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A husband checks his shared calendar to see what is going on today

How to Manage a Shared Calendar as a Couple

Engaged | Newlywed | Married

The power of a shared calendar for couples: from setting it up to managing it effectively, learn how to merge your schedules and strengthen your relationship.

Blooms of dozens of pink roses

Valentine’s Day Advice from Real Couples!

Engaged | Newlywed | Married

What’s your “expectation vs reality” when it comes to Valentine’s Day? We asked 14 couples from newlywed to married 45 years, here’s what they do to celebrate!

A couple holding a brochure for a tourist attraction

50 Perfect Date Ideas

Engaged | Newlywed | Married

Whether you’re in a rut or just need a few ideas to fill in your calendar, we’ve provided 50 perfect date ideas that are bound to check off some of your boxes!

A couple on a date sitting at a table drinking tea

Habits of a Healthy Marriage: DATE NIGHT!

Engaged | Newlywed | Married

Do you have regular date nights? Establish a date night habit that will bring the two of you closer together plus get your next date night activity on us!

A black alarm clock sits alone on a table

Practical Ways to Make Time for Your Marriage

Engaged | Newlywed | Married

Go from saying “I don’t have time” to knowing how to prioritize time for your marriage with our practical tips.