Oh, Hello!
We're Jake and Melissa.
Husband and wife who are endlessly passionate about teaching people to have a successful relationship and learn how to stay newlywed their entire marriage.
We were both born and raised in Minnesota and will most likely never move away. Jake and I love experiencing all four seasons. (He proposed outdoors on a rocky cliff in 10 degree weather!) We met through my brother, who didn't realize he was playing match-maker at the time. When I finally told him that I was crushing on his friend Jake, I don't think he spoke to me for 3 days! This was his jokester friend, after all. Oh well, the rest is history. We have fostered two kids and have one son.

We're best friends on purpose.
I was interested in a partnership and Jake wasn't interested in replacing his mom. Good thing. We came together through everything we found in common and we've stayed together by choosing to nurture our friendship.
We're opposites.
We have so much in common, yet we are very different. I am an Enneagram 3w2 while he thinks no box is accurate enough to describe himself (although I definitely think he's a 1). Jake is a computer programmer by trade. His brain likes concepts in black and white and in neat rows. I am a marketing professional and a creative that lives in the grey area. Jake talks, I write. He could eat the same thing for lunch everyday, while I crave variety. He does the dishes, I do the laundry.
We're weird by choice.
Because, why not? We love Star Wars and The Office. We danced to Mouse Rat's rendition of The Way You Look Tonight at our wedding…look it up, or don't. Life is too short not to have some fun!
We have date nights regularly and personal nights twice a week. We are husband and wife first, parents second, and friends/family third. That order defines us and is a key to the success of our relationship. Our marriage isn't perfect, but it's become so beautiful.
Our goal is simple.
We want to be real with you. Nothing sugar coated, fake or click-batey. Just pure encouraging content from one married couple straight to you. Above all, we want you to succeed at your marriage! Thank you for letting us in on your journey.

I have an incredibly determined nature. It's not unusual to find me working on a few things at the same time. I love connecting with couples and learning what makes them so unique. Staying Newlywed means always being willing to learn and engage with your partner as you grow together.

With a background in computer science and a passion for excellence, you will generally find me behind the scenes. This platform allows me to connect with other couples in a meaningful way while stoking my passion for seeing marriages succeed. Staying Newlywed is choosing to prioritize your marriage in every season.

We have been married for 8 years and have 4 kids! David pastors a growing church and Sarah teaches high school English. Our marriage has seen many challenges and victories. We're grateful for what we've learned along the way. For us, Staying Newlywed means fueling the passion that was sparked in the beginning of the relationship and not letting it dim with time.

Build a strong and thriving marriage
7 key areas to prioritize
Tips you can implement TODAY!

Our goal is to encourage a generation of marriages to be built on friendship and true partnership. We are so happy you are choosing to Stay Newlywed.